The concept of marketing one’s business works best when several different layers are working together in harmony. This is the accepted theory amongst most modern marketing agencies. Even more so, proper marketing can only start when a strong foundation sets the stage for your business. But once potential customers are led to where you want them to be, what awaits them? Without proper content filling the pages of your website, a marketing effort can begin to unravel quite quickly. Here are some reasons as to why you as a business owner, should consider quality content for your website.
Online marketing has become a golden standard of business exposure. While Jeff Bezos at Amazon continue their efforts to acquire more assets under their name for a more centralized online market, plenty of locally owned and operated businesses battle for control of their local areas and beyond.
And so, here you are dear reader, a business owner looking to take the bull by the horns to provide yourself with a competitive edge. Luckily, we at IronStride Marketing & Digital Co. have done a lot of thinking for you already. The first step starts in creating your digital storefront if you do not have one already, namely a website that people can visit and be led to from marketing efforts. Just about every website out there has some sort of content, much of which we digest daily without realizing it. Websites and online published blogs are just a few sources of where you will find lots of content crafted to get your attention towards a specific brand. These pieces of content are not just there for show, they are filled with words and descriptions that apply to what a client is looking for and interwoven with specific keywords designed to benefit Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization, known as SEO, is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website page from search engines.
Chief among these platforms is going to be a website. The days of walking into your favorite store or service branch looking for something is not completely gone, but with the advent of online services, your physical location will not be the first stop on a potential client’s list anymore. We live in a technology-driven era where online browsing allows for businesses to work around a client’s schedule whenever they need it. Therefore, it is important to a website that does not just look the part but also has the information people want in your field of work. Blogs, an “about us” section, a diverse portfolio of work, and keywords that are considered “first-rate” by Google, Bing, and Yahoo are all a part of what it means to have proper “content.” The more diverse and structurally solid base of content that you have, the greater likelihood that your website will be visited over your competition. Quality content is also important for organic searching for the following reasons, according to sources such as
- Quality Content Improves CTR: What does “CTR” even mean? Essentially CTR translates to “click-through rate,” which determines how many users or potential clients clicked on a linked piece of content, leading them back to your website. These links can be sewn into just about anything, especially blogs or advertorials. The more you can entice users to click on those links through your content, the more your website or business will show up in major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
- Quality Content Allows for More Backlinks: Backlinks are links on your content tied to certain searchable keywords. These links would then take an interested client back to the associated and related source that you linked a particular keyword with. (For example, a planned living community might use keywords such as “master-planned,” “amenities,” or “location” in a blog to help potential residents find their way to that community’s website and possibly visit the location. The more quality content that is added, the more backlinks you will have, and the stronger your brand’s presence can be.
- Quality Content Allows for An Overall Better User Experience: Case in point, a website without blogs, articles, or other forms of engaging content will not be very interesting for your potential clients. Of course, overwhelming them with too much text is not ideal either. Word stuffing, the process of overcrowding organic content with keywords in a blatant manner, is generally frowned upon by many. Quantity is great, but quality content is what you want more than anything else. You want a reader to come away from your website or social media page feeling like they know more then they did about your vertical. You want them to feel encouraged to take the next step and visit your website to learn even more, with the final goal being a conversion.
Like a lot of marketing tools, content and SEO go hand in hand with one another. Neither is truly at its optimal effectiveness until they are working in the complement of each other. So, when you are looking to create a website that is more than just a pretty face on the surface, be sure to make sure your content is ironclad with IronStride Marketing & Digital Co. Our writing and publishing experts will learn what your goals are and then craft content designed to attract the audience you are looking for. We can help shepherd your potential clients to where you want them to land, and better still, give them a higher chance of converting or using your services. Marketing is not just cut and dry, it requires a team of true partners that will be there to do what is best for you and not themselves. This is the IronStride way of partnership. Do not spend time busting your brain over what works and what does not. Contact us at (910)-839-8585 or visit us at